After 25 years, our work continues!
Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Passion Works is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
When you donate to Passion Works, you help us further our mission. You help us buy much needed painting and drawing utensils to bring our artists artwork to life. Your donation allows artists to continue their meaningful work. Every artist is employed and paid hourly to make our signature flower and PWS products.
Your support helps us:
- Expand partnerships for new product development, enhancing workforce development programming via our Mobile Art Project
- Reinvest in our partnerships, new products and new/existing workforce
- Increase our in-studio hosting of community groups and Ohio University student organizations for tours, talks and hands-on experiential learning
- Enhance our off-site consulting and trainings to neighboring Appalachian day programs and community organizations who seek to learn more about social and creative enterprises